Chomsky and the platypus
Sometime you read a paper and you keep thinking about it. That’s what happened to me with the latest work from Xin Jin’s lab (yes, I am...

Owning your mistakes
With her distincitve style Eve Marder talks about mistakes in science. http://elifesciences.org/content/4/e11628

Causal role of place cells in navigation and spatial memory
An interesting work from the Benchenane's lab reinforces the idea of the causal role of individual place cells in navigation and spatial...

Cambridge Neuroscience 2015
On Friday the 20th of March we are please to host this year's Cambridge Neuroscience seminar. For details on the program visit the...

Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
Demis Hassabis and colleagues at DeepMind have published their work on Q-networks. The agent is capable of learning how to play a number...